Behold the most evil level of Tower of Heaven ever made >:D
Just click on the link to the game and load level. Then copy paste this code as it tells you to play and fail horribily XD
200c1111010700140000000000000000130004 13010418011313020415021e19020f13030414 03031503031603030b040f1304040705100e05 0f1305041a05150a061d0b06070c06070e0612 0f06071206071306041506101a06030707150a 07030b07030c07030d070a0e07030f07031007 0a12070419070318080307091c08091b110913 170903080a03160a03060b140a0b140e0b1412 0b14150b03|New Level|Player||
passed it it was pretty easy and not hard to find out
no no its supposed to make you rage quit D:, ill have to make a harder one